View Participant Details

You can click the participant’s name to see their details:

You’ll be able to view the participant’s short profile, test history, and profile.

Participant Short Profile #

You’ll be able to see their:

  1. Name (mandatory)
  2. Email (mandatory)
  3. Phone number
  4. Gender
  5. Linkedin profile
  6. Github profile
  7. CV to download
  8. Status: is the participant looking for a full-time job or internship program.

Not all participants had the non-mandatory field section filled.

Tests Tab #

There are 2 tabs on the participant detail view. In the “Tests” tab, you’ll be able to see their submission list related to your company. You can see the:

  1. Test title
  2. Exam status
  3. Score
  4. End exam date
  5. Ratings

You can view the submission detail by clicking the “Test Title” or “View” button on the action column.

Profile Tab #

The second tab is “Profile”.

Profile Tab

You’ll be able to see the participant’s work experience and educational background. This field is not mandatory for the participant to fill. Might not all participants had this section filled.