Language Options

What languages are currently available on our platform? #

We currently offer language support for Bahasa Indonesia and English.

How can I change the language on the platform? #

You can change the language by selecting your preferred language from the language toggle option in the Navigation Bar 🌐.

Is there a plan to add more languages in the future? #

While we currently support Bahasa Indonesia and English, we are actively considering adding more languages based on user demand. Stay tuned for updates!

Can I use different languages for different sections of the platform? #

Currently, the language change will be applied to the entire platform. But it’s possible to incorporate other languages in your question modules.

How do I ensure the accuracy of translations? #

Our team works diligently to provide accurate translations. If you come across any language-related issues, feel free to report them to our support team.

Will the language change affect the content or data in my account? #

Changing the language won’t affect your data. It only changes the interface language for a better user experience.

How can I request a new language to be added? #

If you’re interested in having a specific language added, please reach out to our support team and share your suggestion. Your feedback is valuable to us.