Create Essay Modules #
To create essay questions you can follow these steps:
- On the “Library” menu, click “+ Create Module” button.

- There will be a pop-up for you to insert the module name and choose the “Essay” module type. Click Save to proceed.

1. Module General Info #
You’ll be redirected to the “Manage module” page > Tab “Module General Info”.

- Module name(mandatory): you can edit the module name here.
- Module format (mandatory): this never will be editable.
- Total time (mandatory): maximum time spent on this specific module. This would be the default value every time you assign this module.
- Complexity (mandatory): choose easy, medium, or complex.
- Tags: input tagging to help other recruiters filter this specific module.
- Description: put your internal notes for other recruiters here.
- Translations (mandatory to choose one): Algobash now supports 2 languages (Bahasa Indonesia and English). This will affect the questions and answers settings. You can activate 1 or both languages.
- Module introduction (mandatory): you can put a module introduction for this specific module. When the language is activated for both languages, you can use the dropdown to adjust the content for each language.
- Click “Next” to go to the next tab or click “Cancel” to drop the changes.
2. Add Questions #
You’ll be redirected to the “Manage module” page > Tab “Add Questions”.

You’ll see an empty question list. To add your first question, do click “+Add Question”

- Question picture: you can upload an image — if needed.
- Question text language (mandatory): when you enable more than 1 language, you will need to add the content for question text description and answers in each language.
- Question text description (mandatory): add your description for questions here.
- Maximum score (mandatory): choose the maximum score for each question. Ranging from 5 – 100.
- Answer Format (mandatory): candidates can answer with the format of paragraph (rich text) and/or files (image or zip file). It’s mandatory to choose 1 type of answer, can both be activated.
Once all of your mandatory fields are filled, you can add more questions or you can click “Finish” to save the module.
Edit Essay Modules #
To edit you can always follow the steps for adding modules above.