Table of Contents
In Algobash, test is an exam that you will send to your candidates. They will answer the test that you’ve given to them and you can see the result from your dashboard.
In Algobash a single test can have multiple modules that can be retrieved or created from your library page.
To access your tests, you could access the “Test” menu on the navbar.
Active Test vs Draft Test #
- Active Test means tests that are:
- Coming soon: the test hasn’t started yet or will be starting at a certain date. Candidates have not yet can take this type of test.
- Ongoing: Open for candidates or candidates can take this test until a certain deadline is set by the recruiters.
- Finished: candidates can no longer take this test since it’s already passed the deadline.
- Draft Test means the tests haven’t been published yet.
Search and Filter #
You can search for tests by the test name.
As for filtering, in the “Active Tests” tab, you can filter modules by it’s status.
Sort By #
You can always sort your tests based on Newest / Oldest.