Submission Details

To view the submission details, you can click the participant name on the test detail page or through the participant’s detail page.

Here’s what the submission detail looks like:

Submission Details Component #

  1. Participant’s name. You can navigate to the next or previous candidates here.
  2. Submission actions:
    • View participants: to open the participant’s profile
    • Download PDF: to download the PDF report
    • Request full report: to download PDF report and code files.
  3. Overall performance: you can see the overall performance (to 100%) on this specific test
  4. Rating and notes: you can see and give the participant’s rating and notes.
  5. Summary and detailed tab. We will explain more below!

Summary #

  1. Participant details: just a glimpse of the participant’s name, email, mobile number, start test time, and start end time.
  2. Tag score: some modules have a specific tag to define a specific skill. This will accumulate the score of modules with the same tag.
  3. Test summary: simple chart of the score per module.

Detailed #

To view all of the submissions from your participant, you can always check the “Detailed” tab. Here’s some snapshots of each module type:

Multiple Choices and Weighted Score Questions #

You can see the participant’s answer and their time spent. You can also preview the questions and answers too.

Essay and Interview & Whiteboard Questions #

You can view the video, whiteboard, and essay results. For this type of modules, you need to assign the score for each question.

Programming, SQL, Frontend, and Backend Questions #

We have a code runner for you to check the progress of their codes. Do click resubmit to recalculate their final submission if needed.