
In the Settings menu, you could change your organization logo, name, and location, and create default templates.

You can access the Settings menu through our Hamburger menu > Settings

Expanded hamburger menu to access the settings menu

Once you click the Settings menu, you would see these details:

Settings details

Organization Profile #

You can always change your company’s details such as:

  1. Logo: your company’s logo.
  2. ID: automatically generated by Algobash.
  3. Registered since: date of your company’s creation.
  4. Institution: Your company’s name.
  5. Location: Your company’s location.
  6. Click “Save” once you’re satisfied with your changes

This section is only available for Admins and Organization Owners.

Default Templates #

We have some templates you can modify to set is as your company’s default. If you don’t want any changes, you can just simply let them be. This section is only available for Organization Owners.

Test Introduction Template #

On every test, you can modify your own introduction informing candidates before they start. By default our basic template is

Hi Candidate,

Please fill your profile here for a better hiring chance.

Thank you,

Click “OK” if you want to save your own template.

Module Introduction #

On every module you created, you can modify your own module introduction. The main purpose is to inform candidates what they will be expected to do in that specific module. Our module supported Bahasa Indonesia and English, so you can fill both or just one language only. By default our basic template is:


Hi Candidate,

Please read the question description carefully and watch the deadline time at the top of the screen. Good Luck and have fun!

Thank you,


Hi Kandidat,

Mohon baca deskripsi pertanyaan dengan seksama dan perhatikan waktu batas akhir di atas layar anda. Semoga berhasil dan selamat bersenang senang!


Email Invitation #

On every test, you can modify your email invitation on the Config tab. Our email invitation supported Bahasa Indonesia and English, so you can fill both or just one language only. Here’s some explanation:

  1. Invitation email language: You can set the default language applied to every email invitation.
  2. Email Subject and Email content: You can modify your email subject and content to every email invitation. We even support some dynamic email tags. For example participant name, company name, and assessment name.
  3. BCC Recruiter: by default adding BCC recipients. The recipients will receive a copy of their email invitation and submission notification. You can only add a maximum of 2 BCC.