Participants List View

View Table #

To see all participants that have submitted their test, you can click on the navbar for the “Participants” menu.

You can see a table consisting:

  1. Index
  2. Name: participants registered name. You can click their names to see more of their profile.
  3. Email: participants registered email.
  4. Test: the latest test related to the participants. You can click the test name to be redirected to their submission or the related test.
  5. Score: the latest score related to the participants.
  6. Ratings: the latest ratings related to the participants

Sorting and Searching #

To search for a specific participant, you can search by their name or email. And to sort, you can sort your participants by their latest activity date (oldest or newest).

Test Status #

You would see different statuses on the test column:

  1. Last test
    This means the participant already has a submission — whether it’s an ongoing or finished submission. When you click the test name, you’ll be redirected to their submission page.
  2. Invited to
    This means the participant is only been invited or entered the test token but hasn’t submitted anything yet. When you click the test name, you’ll be redirected to the test details page.