The Elo rating system helps us categorize the difficulty of programming logic test questions. Just like in games, we assign a difficulty rating to each question based on how challenging it is.
- Easy: Questions with an Elo rating between 800 and 1000 are considered easy. These questions are simpler and suitable for beginners.
- Medium: Questions with an Elo rating between 1000 and 1300 fall into the medium category. They offer a moderate level of challenge and are good for those who have some experience.
- Complex: Questions with an Elo rating between 1300 and 1800 are complex. These are more difficult and are designed for those who are comfortable with advanced concepts.
The Elo rating helps us maintain a balance in the range of questions we offer. As we update our questions or add new ones, we’ll adjust their ratings to fit these categories. It’s a flexible way to ensure the right level of challenge for different skill levels.