
After signing in, you will be redirected to our Dashboard. In our Dashboard, you can see the overall test summary in form of charts and tables.

Dashboard interface

Participant Funnel #

Participant funnel

You can see the funnel from:

  • Participants invited
  • Participants who submit the test
  • Participants who scored above zero
  • Participants who scored with overall performance above 70%

You can choose the chart time spent by a month, six months, or twelve months.

Participant Submission Rate #

Participant submission rate

You can see your total participants involved in the last month, six months, or twelve months. From the total number of participants, you can see the overall submission rate.

Participant Submission Monitoring #

Participant Submission Monitoring

You can monitor your daily submission on this bar chart. You can choose to see in 7-14 days time spent.

Top Weekly Participants #

Top Weekly Participants

In this table, you’ll be able to see the top weekly participants from their submissions score (0%-100%).

Latest Active Test #

Latest Active Test

This table is a shortcut to make it easier for you to access the latest active test. You can always see your full test on the “Test” menu.

Latest Submissions #

Latest Submissions

This table is a shortcut to make it easier for you to access the latest participants’ submissions. You can always see your full test on the “Participant” menu.